Land And Development

Evaluating land property and development requires careful analysis of local zoning laws to first determine what the highest and best use is for the Subject Property.  We work in tandem with land-owners to determine if their asset should be marketed as a Land Development.  Once determined, we then estimate what the most probable building size, number of units and likely future income is and based on that determine a future project value.  A land broker must know current building hard-and-soft-costs related to construction and, based on that information, plus a developer’s desired profit margin, determine an appropriate price per square foot and provide a realistic opinion of value.

  • Analyze Local Zoning Laws
  • Determine the Likely Highest & Best Use
  • Estimate Hard Costs & Soft Costs
  • Use Proforma to Derive to a Future Project Value
  • Know the Developer’s Desired Profit Margin
  • Provide an Opinion of Value for Land